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October 4, 2025 9:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Blue Mountain Sportsman Center

Police Range

183 Watch Hill Road

Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567


To complete your registration please clink link below AND and follow steps to purchase your slot.  The payment step may not work from a mobile device or business network with a strong firewall.  If you experience an issue, try from your home lap/desk top computer.


This open enrollment ladies only class is being conducted in collaboration with Warrior Women International. Come out and train with like minded women without the bravado of men being in the class. 


This class will start with difficult courses of fire to both assess and challenge shooters. As needed, we will revisit fundamentals to help clean up your performance. Topics covered include: Stress courses, shooting on the move, strong hand & support hand only drills - drawing, shooting, reloading & malfunction clearance 1 handed, close quarters shooting/shooting from retention, target discrimination drills (shoot/no shoot), alternate shooting positions, team drills and more difficult timed events. Venue permitting, this course will use advanced target systems (reactive, movers, steel & more). The course focuses on shooting, moving & communicating under stress, to prepare you to not just survive, but thrive in a real world lethal force encounter.


Physical requirements: For all tactical classes, students must be able to run short distances & be capable of standing for long periods.




  • Student must have completed a prior basic "defensive" or "tactical" pistol class

  • Serviceable semi-automatic pistol of at least 9mm Para caliber

  • Sturdy holster (NO crossdraw, shoulder, ankle or Blackhawk Serpa holsters - I WILL ALLOW SERPA HOLSTERS ONLY IF YOU ARE AN ARMED PROFESSIONAL & IT IS YOUR ISSUED DUTY HOLSTER)

  • Minimum one double magazine pouch/Ability to carry minimum of two magazines

  • Minimum of three serviceable magazines (5 is better)

  • 500 rounds of ammunition

  • 10 Dummy Rounds

  • Eye and Ear Protection (electronic hearing protection is preferred)

  • Suitable range wear depending on the season

  • A positive attitude

  • Weapons lube



  • Sunblock

  • Baseball style hat

  • Lip balm

  • Water

  • Lunch / Snacks for each day


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