September 13, 2025 9:15 AM - 4:30 PM
Blue Mountain Sportsman Center
COST: $200
Police Range 3
183 Watch Hill Road
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
To complete your registration please click the link below AND and follow steps to purchase your slot. The payment step may not work from a mobile device or business network with a strong firewall. If you experience an issue, try from your home lap/desk top computer.
Warrior Women Covert Carry
This open enrollment ladies only class is being conducted in collaboration with Warrior Women International. Come out and train with like minded women without the bravado of men being in the class.
Previously called "Concealed Carry Skill Development", the name was changed to emphasize the fact that "concealed" doesn't mean no one can see it. If you wear a full size duty type pistol and carry it in a leather outside the waistband holster and cover it with a t-shirt, it IS concealed from view, but not carried "covertly" or without other people around you knowing that you are armed. This class features holster selection, clothing discussion, and reality-based live fire drills with one-on-one assessments and corrective action as needed. Designed to transition the participant from static live fire and basic movement to advanced defensive tactics from seated, vehicle, and “Getting Off The X” drills using the pistol; shooters will be guided through weapons manipulation drills designed to increase comfort level and develop a solid base of skill. Skill Drills will include drawing from concealment; seated & in vehicle positions ensuring shooters will leave with the knowledge, skills, and ability to not only survive, but prevail in a deadly force encounter.
Physical requirements: For all tactical classes, students must be able to run short distances & be capable of standing for long periods.
Tactical mindset/situational awareness
Tactical pistol and concealment support equipment review
Pistol manipulation skills
Marksmanship fundamentals
Close quarter pistol operations
Static to dynamic position drills
Dynamic one-handed manipulations
Tactical live fire movements
Seated and vehicle positions
450 rounds (1 Day Format) 900 rounds (2 Day format) Pistol
3 mags minimum
Concealment holster(s) (no shoulder, cross draw or blackhawk serpa holsters. Serpa's will be allowed for armed professionals only who are issued that holster)
Concealment magazine pouches
Footwear suitable for rapid movement and turning
Concealment garment (shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, etc.)
Wraparound eye protection
Earmuffs (electronic strongly recommended) or earplugs
10 dummy rounds
Baseball Cap