Bridging the gap, with "live range style" drills against a living, breathing, thinking opponent and segueing into drills you can't do on a range. The class will end in scenario based exercises. This is a much different format than the "Force on force: Concealed carry", which is solely scenario based training.
The price of the course will include the loan of Glock 17T and 19T simunitions pistols, simunitions marking cartridges and all protective gear.
Must posses a VALID Pistol Permit
or be a Military/Law Enforcement and provide credentials
Physical requirements: For all tactical classes, students must be able to run short distances & be capable of standing for long periods.
VALID pistol permit (in states requiring a permit)
Clothing sufficient to cover all exposed skin (long sleeve shirt/sweatshirt and long pants, gloves)
Please Bring 1 spare long sleeve shirt/sweat shirt
Sturdy belt at least 1.5” wide
Footwear suitable for rapid movement and turning
Clothing suitable for training in applicable weather conditions
If you have a concealed carry holster you normally use with a glock 17/22, 19/23 or sig sauer p226 – feel free to bring it & use it during training.
Flashlight suitable for YOUR mission (EDC, home defense, duty)
To complete your registration please clink link below AND and follow steps to purchase your slot. The payment step may not work from a mobile device or business network with a strong firewall. If you experience an issue, try from your home lap/desk top computer.